Cologne: 28.–29.05.2024 #insureNXT

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insureNXT Innovators Award

Top 3 - Cross Industry Bridgebuilder

Explanation matters: An experimental study on explainable AI

Explanation matters: An experimental study on explainable AI

Swisscom and EMIL have built a complete insurance landscape for 6 million customers in <6 months. Swisscom Sure is the most ambitious and consistent insurance launch by a telco group. The insurance business, just like the existing mobile, internet and TV businesses, is to be developed into a permanent new business area. This is not just another embedded business model, but rather an unprecedented innovation with disruptive market potential. It involves all sectors (private and commercial customers) including motor vehicles. Sales are made to new/existing customers via the branch network and all digital channels (e.g. app, portal). Swisscom is taking over significant parts of the value creation in cooperation with all major Swiss insurance companies (including Zurich, Helvetia and AXA). Following a tender process, Swisscom chose the established Berlin-based technology company EMIL out of 80 providers worldwide in 2023. Record time: Despite numerous stakeholders and complex, cross-industry integrations into existing telco environment systems (including billing, partners) and various insurance general ledgers, the complex project was successfully implemented in less than six months based on EMIL's cloud-native SaaS core system. Cross-industry customer interfaces are utilised and the topic of insurance is rethought.

Philips Pregnancy+ and Insurance Innovation - How to link Maternal Health via digital solutions with Insurers

Philips Pregnancy+ and Insurance Innovation - How to link Maternal Health via digital solutions with Insurers

Philips owns Pregnancy+, the worlds leading pregnancy app, with 80% market penetration of all pregnancies in Europe. Philips has recently launched a new innovation program in October 2023, to work with insurers in the health insurance sector. Philips looks at how they can support families with digital health tools through the app. They provide educational, expert-led content and courses for every week of pregnancy to support families through this fundamental life stage, which is both physically and mentally challenging. It is important as we know 1 in 6 couples struggle with fertility, the maternal age is increasing and lifestyles are becoming more sedentary which is leading to higher risks during pregnancy (estimated 30% of all pregnancies are now high risk). Philips wants to help individuals work towards preventative health programs. They do this by partnering with insurers to support their members through Pregnancy+ by signposting services such a tele health and utilizing insurance benefits that they might not be aware of (reimbursement of electric breast pump to support breast feeding).

to Philips

ESG Scope 3 - Reducing emissions with data sharing and AI support

ESG Scope 3 - Reducing emissions with data sharing and AI support

to Ubirch